Andrew Godwin 应用

Outdoor GPS Measurement 1.0
Andrew Godwin
Uses your phone or tablet's GPS toroughlymeasure the distance between two points.How accurately this measures depends on your surroundings -itwill usually be accurate to within a 10 metres, but will bemoreaccurate if you're in an open field with a clear view of thesky,and less accurate if you're in a city surrounded byskyscrapers.The error margin is displayed along with themeasurement.Like a measuring tape, it only measures the distance betweentwopoints - it does not measure along a route or multiplewaypoints.Several different units of measurement are supported.UsageSimply load up the app, wait for a good enough GPS fix(you'llsee the Accuracy entry under your current location getsmaller andsmaller until it settles down), and then hit "Set Base".The devicewill use that location as one end of the measurement.Then, walk to the second point, wait for the accuracy tosettle,and read off your measurement.I wrote this to help me set out archery targets, and itshouldwork well for similar outdoor uses like measuring golfshots(though there are better apps that have maps for that)orestimating the length of landscape features.It will not work indoors - GPS, unfortunately,hasn'tbridged that gap yet. I'd recommend buying either anultrasonic orlaser measurer for that, depending on how accurate youwant tobe.